About the
New York Center of Art
A community and artists collaboration
March 24, 2021–The New York Center of Art™ [NYCA] is a new center of art hybrid model composed of several active components that support each other to thrive. They provide access and resources to all in our human global community that strive to achieve a positive impact in ways that can benefit everyone's emotional, spiritual, and economic well being.
I. NYCA will become a majority owner of an affiliated art gallery and artist management advisory corporation devoted to the artists it represents and the collectors, producers, and investors who support the vision of the artists, whatever their chosen media and/or practice.
II. NYCA will be a fully realized museum and performance art center (and commits to all forms of artistic practice known and as yet unknown) creating accessible programs for the community and for visitors that are aligned in every way to the artistic vision of the artists and the transformative experiential learning and personal development that the center is committed to provide to individuals, groups, and communities every day.
III. Re-thinking and creating a new model and strategic plan for the art center and fine art gallery with programs developed by the NYCA team will bring to fruition a robust resource that conjoins experiential learning and health- and spiritual-minded personal development. This is just one of the unique founding ideas that makes NYCA an unqualified differentiator from all other art institutions. With purposeful dedication, the Center will represent and favorably present the extraordinary work of the too often overlooked, disregarded, ignored, or excluded artists who, in the past, were afforded no opportunity or pathway to achieve their due merit. Through an open and proprietary process any artist may seek a full-time position as Associate Artist at the New York Center of Art™. A periodic recurring application and review process will be conducted annually by the NYCA Director in partnership with the NYCA Advisory Board comprised solely of a diverse group of established artists from varied cultural, social, and international backgrounds.
The first group of artists to be selected will have the honor of being designated Founding Artists. The selected Founding and Associate Artists will create the core of the Center's programming—new stories for experiential learning—and allocate a portion of their time working horizontally throughout the institution to develop the programs that will be presented to a local and globally expanding community. The Center is a dynamic institution that will always be evolving; therefore, after each periodic application review, new artists will join.
The New York Center of Art™ Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. The Foundation's primary partner is the New York Center of Art™ Gallery, Inc., a for-profit entity that formally represents the Foundation's Associate Artists in addition to its roster of established international artists. All proceeds from sales of works of art produced by the Associate Artists, net of the Associate Artist's commission and related sales expenses, is contributed to the Foundation in support of its programs and operations. As with any for-profit art gallery, each and every artist may continue to participate and contribute in perpetuity. The Foundation is a not-for-profit only. The Gallery is not for-profit only.