i·de·al | īˈdē(ə)l | 


1 satisfying one's conception of what is perfect; most suitable


a standard of perfection; a principle to be aimed at; the best possible example; epitome

NYCA organizational philosophy

*a a commitment to live as a relentless confrontation to: systemic racism, structural antisemitism, and all other forms of prejudice and unjust attitudes that would and do cause and create an exclusive homogeneous community that prides itself in uniformity, fosters barriers to access, refuses to partake in fair-mindedness and through discrimination constructs inequity and imbalance all and any of which impedes upon the rightful independence of individuals, groups, and open unbiased democratic communities.

*b a commitment to live as a relentless advocate to:

Inclusivity | Diversity | Equity | Accessibility | Liberty

Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Liberty...