i·de·al | īˈdē(ə)l |
1 satisfying one's conception of what is perfect; most suitable
• a standard of perfection; a principle to be aimed at; the best possible example; epitome
NYCA organizational philosophy
*a a commitment to live as a relentless confrontation to: systemic racism, structural antisemitism, and all other forms of prejudice and unjust attitudes that would and do cause and create an exclusive homogeneous community that prides itself in uniformity, fosters barriers to access, refuses to partake in fair-mindedness and through discrimination constructs inequity and imbalance all and any of which impedes upon the rightful independence of individuals, groups, and open unbiased democratic communities.
*b a commitment to live as a relentless advocate to:
Inclusivity | Diversity | Equity | Accessibility | Liberty
Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Liberty...
Strengthen the talent and proficiency of the New York Center of Art™ in order to adjust and finetune operational activities both maintaining continuity and creating evolutionary pathways that maintain a clear focus in alignment with NYCA's vision .
To be recognized as a leader in the arts community, IDEAL is integrated, like a mobiüs, within the mission of the New York Center of Art™ as well as nurtured and cultivated through behaviors exemplifying authenticity, honesty, respect, dedication, and humility.
The underlying foundation of NYCA that sustains and supports a stable and steady cohesiveness throughout the organization, making it a philosophy both central and fundamental to all activities that connect with our local and global community.
Overarching to the core values we hold true that by their very nature unify all staff, artists from near and far, our board of directors and advisory board, key stakeholders, valued neighbors, the local and regional communities, and visitors from around the globe.
Reflected in the respectful ways of communicating and mindful practice of the NYCA staff.
Essential and Intrinsic within NYCA's exemplary programming that provides, with abundance from our highest selves, new discoveries and the subsequent rewards that are possible from transformative experiences with art.
A catalyst at the heart of our primary objective to open the door of opportunity for transformative experiences, personal growth and self-development.
Expressed genuinely and implemented dynamically through positive attitudes that foster an I.D.E.A.L. and unique environment at NYCA where:
we lift each other UP...
we create meaning...
we sustain joy!