Differentiation & Transformation

The mission of The New York Center of Art is anchored. The Center supports and represents a dynamic artistic practice that creates transformative experiences for a learning and growing public it enjoys serving.

This is the identity of The New York Center of Art—its taftótis—

a cause of transformation and development while maintaining its unique identity.

taftótis = haecceity + quiddity



a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance


grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate

become more economically and socially advanced

convert to a new purpose

start to exist, experience, or possess

identitas (idem)

a transformation that leaves an object unchanged.

• an element of a set which, if combined with another element by a specified binary operation, leaves that element unchanged


the inherent nature or essence of someone or something.

• a distinctive feature; a peculiarity


that property or quality of a thing by virtue of which it is unique or describable as “this (one).”.

• the property of being a unique and individual thing